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10 Best Digital Nomad Jobs for Beginners | You Can Do From Anywhere

best digital nomad jobs - web dev

Say goodbye to the uninspiring office walls and hello to a life of freedom, adventure, and endless possibilities. Welcome to the world of the digital nomad lifestyle!

No more being confined to a cubicle or answering to a boss who thinks Fridays are meant for TPS reports. Oh no, my friend. You are the captain of your own ship now, charting a course to exotic destinations and creating a career that’s as flexible as a yoga instructor after one too many Chardonnays.

In this electrifying guide, we’re diving headfirst into the 10 best digital nomad jobs for beginners that will have you cracking the code of location independence and financial liberation. From freelance writing to app development, we’re about to unlock a world of possibilities that will make your LinkedIn bio shine brighter than a solar eclipse.

Brief Summary of digital nomad jobs for beginners:


Job Type

Average Salary (Low-Median-High)

Skills Required

Freelance Writer

$14 – $25 – $50

Strong writing ability, Research skills, Time management, Creativity, Attention to detail

Virtual Assistant

$11 – $18 – $28

Excellent organizational skills, Strong communication abilities, Multitasking, Tech-savviness, Attention to detail

Online Teacher

$10 – $16 – $40

Subject expertise, Strong communication, Patience, Tech-savvy, Adaptability

Graphic Designer

$18 – $30 – $66

Adobe Creative Suite competency, Design aesthetics, Communication skills, Creativity, Attention to detail

SEO Specialist

$15 – $45 – $90

Understanding of search engines, Keyword research, On-page optimization, Analytical skills, Adaptability

Web Developer

$14 – $24 – $45

HTML, CSS, JavaScript proficiency, Knowledge of programming languages, Troubleshooting, Attention to detail, Problem-solving

Online Entrepreneur

$28 – $40 – $69

Entrepreneurial mindset, Leadership skills, Risk-taking, Adaptability, Problem-solving

Affiliate Marketer

$8 – $30 – $40

Communication skills, Digital marketing knowledge, Relationship-building, Analytical skills

Social Media Manager

$12 – $18 – $30

Social media expertise, Creative content creation, Understanding audience, Communication, Data analysis

App Developer

$21 – $34 – $58

Proficiency in programming languages, Attention to detail, Design sense, Patience, Knowledge of emerging technologies

Freelance Writer

So, you think you’ve got what it takes to be a freelance writer, huh? Well, buckle up, because this ain’t your average desk job. As a freelance writer, you’ll be using your wordsmith powers to create captivating content that will make readers weak in the knees. Whether it’s whipping up an article that’s juicier than a gossip magazine or crafting a blog post that inspires wanderlust like a travel brochure on steroids, you’ll be wielding your pen like a literary goddess.

Skills Required:

  • Strong writing ability
  • Research skills (Google is your best Friend)
  • Time management
  • Creativity
  • Attention to detail

Earnings per Hour Scale:

Low: $14

Median: $25

High: $50

Virtual Assistant

digital nomad jobs for beginners - Virtual Assistant

So, you want to be a virtual assistant, huh? Well, get ready to dive into the world of administrative wizardry from the comfort of your PJ-clad home office. As a virtual assistant, you’ll be the behind-the-scenes hero, juggling all sorts of tasks for your clients like a circus performer on a unicycle. From answering emails and scheduling appointments to organizing chaos with the precision of Marie Kondo, you’ll be the ultimate multitasking ninja. But don’t worry, unlike a traditional assistant, you won’t have to fetch anyone’s coffee or listen to your boss’s boring stories about their weekend.

Skills Required:

  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Strong communication abilities
  • The ability to multitask like a boss (seriously, you’ll be juggling tasks like a circus performer on steroids)
  • Tech-savviness to navigate the virtual world with ease
  • Attention to detail that would make Sherlock Holmes proud (no missing deadlines or dropping important tasks on your watch)

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $11
  • Median: $18
  • High: $28

Online Teacher

 So, if you’re thinking of becoming an online teacher? Well, well, well, welcome to the world of educating minds with the power of the internet. As an online teacher, you’ll be harnessing the wonders of technology to share your expertise and inspire students from all corners of the globe. Bye bye, stuffy classrooms and rigid schedules – hello, flexible teaching hours, and the ability to work in your PJs (or your bikini if you prefer). Whether you’re passionate about history, English, mathematics, or teaching the next generation how to tame wild unicorns (hey, it could be a thing), your job is to make learning as exciting as bungee jumping off the Great Wall of China.

There are many sites available to take up online teaching Jobs. A few notable mentions are:

  • Magic Ears
  • Preply
  • Cambly

Skills Required:

  • A solid grasp of the subject you’re teaching (you can’t just wing it with half-baked knowledge, sorry)
  • Some Skills will require licensing for example English, TEFL, or TESL.
  • Strong communication skills to captivate your students and keep them engaged (yes, you’ll need to be more entertaining than a Netflix series)
  • Patience of a saint (because let’s be real, students can be as stubborn as a mule, especially when it comes to math)
  • The ability to adapt and embrace technology like you’re an AI cyborg sent from the future
  • And remember, you need a passion for teaching and inspiring others because showing up with a monotone voice and zero enthusiasm won’t cut it (unless you’re trying to put your students to sleep, then go for it).

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $10
  • Median: $16
  • High: $40

Graphic Designer

So, you’ve got a creative streak and love designing? You sound like a graphic designer in the making. As a graphic designer, you’ll be the Don Draper (or Peggy Olson, for all you feminist trailblazers out there) of the digital world. From creating eye-catching logos that make brands pop to designing websites that make people want to stay forever (sorry, Instagram, but those squares are no match for us), you’ll be using your artistic talents to make the world a more visually appealing place. But don’t be fooled by the glitter and gold, my artistic friend. Being a graphic designer is all about the grind, from working on endless revisions to appease that client who can’t make up their mind to picking the perfect color palette for your designs without driving yourself insane.

Skills Required:

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) competency
  • A keen sense of design aesthetics to make sure everything looks ama-zing (because let’s face it, no one likes visual clutter)
  • Excellent communication skills to navigate the murky waters of client feedback (tip: have patience, drink tea, repeat)
  • The ability to think creatively and outside the box
  • Attention to detail is crucial (no one wants to find typos or mismatched font sizes in their designs)

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $18
  • Median: $30
  • High: $66

SEO Specialist

As an SEO specialist, you’ll be the ultimate detective, uncovering the secrets of search engines and wielding your knowledge to boost websites to the top of the digital food chain. Think of yourself as the Sherlock Holmes of the internet, solving mysteries and outsmarting algorithms like a boss. But beware, my fearless friend, for the realm of SEO is ever-changing, like a chameleon on caffeine, and you’ll need to stay on your toes to keep up with the latest trends and strategies. 

Skills Required:

  • A deep understanding of search engines (because, let’s face it, Google is the ruler of the internet, and we’re all just minions trying to win its favor)
  • Killer keyword research skills to ensure websites are ranking for the right terms
  • The ability to optimize on-page elements like a master chef seasoning a dish (only instead of salt and pepper, you’ll be sprinkling in meta tags and headers)
  • Solid analytical skills to interpret data and make informed decisions (numbers, charts, and spreadsheets, oh my!)
  • And let’s not forget the courage to experiment and adapt, because what works today might be as relevant as a pager tomorrow.

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $15
  • Median: $45
  • High: $90

The average earnings for SEO are highly volatile simply because there are many factors, specifically what country you are from, your experience, and what you specialize in. There is a difference between specialist, consultant, and beginner.

Web Developer

best digital nomad jobs - web dev

Well, my technologically inclined friend, welcome to the wonderful world of web development. most demandable digital nomad jobs for beginners, web development. As a web developer, you’ll be the wizard behind the curtain, conjuring up websites and creating digital experiences that will make people want to throw their money at your clients. From taming HTML and CSS to mastering programming languages like a boss (yes, JavaScript, we’re looking at you), you’ll be the architect of the online realm, building virtual masterpieces one line of code at a time. But beware, my fearless developer, for with great coding power comes great responsibility. You’ll have to keep up with the ever-evolving technology, navigate the maze of browser inconsistencies, and deal with the dreaded “404 page not found” errors that haunt your dreams.

Skills Required:

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (because without these building blocks, you’ll be as lost as a tourist without a map)
  • Knowledge of programming languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby
  • The ability to troubleshoot and debug like a superhero with x-ray vision (no bug shall escape your sight)
  • Attention to detail is crucial (because even the smallest mistake in your code can lead to catastrophic consequences)
  • Strong problem-solving skills

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $14
  • Median: $24
  • High: $45

Online Entrepreneur

Ah, so you think you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, do you? Well, get ready to dive headfirst into the deep end of the entrepreneurial pool, my ambitious friend. As an entrepreneur, you’ll be the ultimate risk-taker, the captain of your own ship, and the master of your own destiny. You’ll be the Steve Jobs or the Elon Musk of your own startup, using your exceptional skills to turn ideas into reality and change the world (or at least your corner of it). But beware, my fearless entrepreneur, because this journey is not for the faint of heart. You’ll need to embrace failure, fight against the odds, and hustle like Rocky Balboa to make your dream a reality.

Example Jobs: Blogger, Content Creator (YouTube, Instagram, etc.) E-commerce stores, Amazon Sellers

Skills Required:

  • An entrepreneurial mindset, obviously (think big, act boldly, and be a go-getter)
  • Strong leadership skills (because your team needs a confident and inspiring leader)
  • The ability to take risks and embrace failure (because every failure is a stepping stone to success)
  • Adaptability and flexibility (because the entrepreneurial journey is unpredictable and ever-changing)
  • Strong problem-solving skills (because every entrepreneur faces obstacles, hurdles, and occasional setbacks)

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $28
  • Median: $40
  • High: $69

This can be misleading as there are many entrepreneur opportunities out there, it can take a long time to get things up and running and start earning money so oftentimes you won’t start earning cash right off the bat.

Affiliate Marketer

Ah, the glamorous world of affiliate marketing. Get ready to dive into a digital realm where the possibilities are endless, and the potential for making passive income is tantalizing. As an affiliate marketer, you’ll become the ultimate salesperson with a digital twist, promoting products and earning commission for each successful sale. Picture yourself as a smooth-talking, virtual matchmaker, connecting eager buyers with the perfect products and raking in the dough as a result. But hold onto your affiliate hats, because there’s more to this gig than meets the eye. You’ll need to master the art of persuasion, navigate the treacherous waters of online audiences, and keep up with ever-changing marketing tactics.

How it works: Promoting other’s products & services on blogs, YouTube, email marketing, or any other social media platforms and receiving commissions.

Skills Required:

  • Stellar communication skills (because you’ll need to convince your audience that they absolutely, positively cannot live without the product you’re promoting)
  • A deep understanding of digital marketing (think of yourself as a Jedi master, using the force of social media, SEO, and email marketing to capture the hearts and wallets of the masses)
  • The ability to build and maintain relationships with affiliate networks and advertisers (because it’s all about forging connections and finding the right partners for your promotions)
  • Strong analytical skills (get ready to dive deep into data and analytics to track your success and optimize your strategies)

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $8
  • Median: $30
  • High: $40

Social Media Manager

best digital nomad jobs - Social Media Manager

Ah, the glorious world of social media, where cat videos reign supreme, hashtags dominate conversations, and influencers roam free. Are you ready to become the master of the social media universe, my digitally savvy friend? As a social media manager, you’ll be the ultimate multitasker, juggling multiple platforms, cracking the elusive algorithm codes, and slaying the game of likes and shares. You’ll be the Beyoncé of the internet, curating captivating content, crafting witty captions, and hypnotizing your followers with your social media sorcery. But don’t be fooled, my fearless manager, because there’s so much more to this job than just posting selfies and tagging your friends. You’ll need to understand your audience, analyze data like a boss, and navigate the ever-changing landscape of trends and algorithms. 

Skills Required:

  • Social media expertise (because you’re about to become the guru of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all the other platforms that rule our lives)
  • Creative content creation skills (think of yourself as a Picasso of pixels, creating eye-catching visuals and clever captions that demand attention)
  • A knack for understanding your audience (because you’re basically a mindreader, delivering content that resonates with your followers)
  • Excellent communication skills (because engaging, responding, and interacting with your online tribe is crucial)
  • Analysis and data interpretation

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $12
  • Median: $18
  • High: $30

App Developer

Get ready to dive into a digital playground where ideas turn into reality and creativity knows no bounds. As an app developer, you’ll get to be the digital wizard that brings people’s wildest app dreams to life. You’ll be calling upon your technological powers to create the next big thing in the world of apps, bringing convenience, joy, or productivity to millions of users. But hold onto your coding hats, because this is not your grandma’s knitting circle. You’ll need to be a master of multiple programming languages, dive deep into database architecture, and keep up with ever-changing technology trends.

Skills Required:

  • Proficiency in multiple programming languages (because there’s more to life than just Java, my coding friends) C++ and C# are ideal.
  • A keen eye for detail (you could think of yourself as a precision sniper of the digital realm, with a focus on delivering apps that are bug-free and user-friendly)
  • An eye for design (what’s the point in having a great app if it looks like it was designed by a toddler with a crayon?)
  • The patience of a monk (because let’s be real, debugging can be a never-ending nightmare)
  • Knowledge of emerging technologies (because you don’t want to be the one still making flip-phone games when everyone’s playing on their holographic phones)

Earnings per Hour Scale:

  • Low: $21
  • Median: $34
  • High: $58

So, my courageous comrades, I urge you to seize this opportunity with a fire in your soul and a spring in your step. Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle like a boss, as you embark on a journey of limitless possibilities. With nothing but your laptop, a thirst for adventure, and a killer Wi-Fi connection, you can conquer the world – one destination at a time.


Now go forth, my incredible nomadic warriors, and make your mark upon the world. The digital nomad lifestyle is yours for the taking. Embrace it, own it, and let your spirit soar, and always remember to Travel Till You Drop! 

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About Jill

Hi, Jill Here

Hi! I’m Jill, a Dallas, Texas girl traveling the world. After a career in the Air Force and touring over 50 countries later, my need to explore keeps going! It’s time to rock & roll and find all those places I never knew I was missing.

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I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.