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Understanding the Importance of Travel Insurance – Why You Need it


Welcome to the exciting world of travel! As a solo female traveler, myself, I know how thrilling it is to explore new places and soak in different cultures – especially when you’re doing it all by yourself. But let’s face it, travel and even more solo travel can be risky. From flight cancellations to lost luggage, unforeseen events can happen at any moment – and when you’re traveling, you’re even more vulnerable than when you’re right at home. That’s why travel insurance is an absolute necessity, especially in remotely accessible exotic locations!  Understanding why you need travel insurance, what it covers, and how to get covered is vital for any traveler.

But with so many insurance providers and plans available, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. I’ve put together a comprehensive guide of the top 6 travel insurance plans for travelers, why they are the best travel insurance plans, and a general cost.  So, let’s get started. 

Why Do You Need Travel Insurance?

When it comes to planning a trip, the last thing you want to think about is the possibility of unforeseen events disrupting your travel plans. However, accidents, illnesses, flight cancellations, and lost luggage can happen when least expected, and that’s where travel insurance comes to the rescue. Finding the best travel insurance that offers comprehensive coverage while fitting your specific needs can be a daunting task, but fear not, I am a seasoned expert in the field of travel and insurance, are here to guide you through the process.

travel insurance

Highlighting the Importance of Travel Insurance

Before diving into the details of selecting the right travel insurance, let’s emphasize the critical importance of having travel insurance. Travel insurance serves as an essential safety net, offering financial security and peace of mind throughout your journey. It encompasses a range of unforeseen events, including trip cancellations, medical emergencies, baggage loss, and more, depending on the chosen policy. The modest investment you make in acquiring travel insurance can shield you from substantial financial losses and relieve the stress during unforeseen situations.

Identifying Your Travel Insurance Needs

The first step in finding the best travel insurance is to assess your specific needs and requirements. What kind of trip are you planning? Is it a short domestic vacation or an extended international adventure? What activities do you intend to participate in during your trip? Engaging in adventurous sports may require additional coverage. Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions? Ensuring your insurance policy covers these conditions is crucial.

travel insurance


Researching and Comparing Insurance Providers

With a clear understanding of your travel insurance needs and the types of coverage available, the next step is to research and compare insurance providers. Look for reputable insurance companies with a strong track record in the travel insurance industry. Read customer reviews to gain insights into their reliability and customer service.

When comparing policies, pay attention to the coverage limits and exclusions. Some policies might have lower coverage limits, while others may exclude specific activities or pre-existing conditions. Consider the deductible—the amount you’ll need to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. 

To make this easy and limit the guesswork, I’ve included an entire section on the Top 6 Travel Insurance Providers below.

Seek Customized Coverage

It’s essential to remember that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to travel insurance. Seek out providers that allow customization of your coverage to match your unique travel needs. If you’re planning an adventure-filled vacation, make sure activities like hiking, scuba diving, or skiing are covered.

 Reading the Fine Print

Before finalizing your travel insurance policy, read the fine print carefully. Be aware of any restrictions, limitations, or exclusions that might apply. For instance, some policies may exclude coverage for extreme sports or adventurous activities. Understanding the fine print will prevent unpleasant surprises when you need to file a claim.

Consider Annual Policies

If you’re a frequent traveler, consider opting for an annual travel insurance policy. These policies cover multiple trips throughout the year, often more cost-effective than purchasing separate insurance for each trip.

Getting Quotes and Making a Decision

Now that you’ve narrowed down your choices, request quotes from the shortlisted insurance providers. Compare the premiums and coverage offered to make an informed decision.

Purchase Insurance Early

Don’t wait until the last minute to buy travel insurance. Purchase your insurance as soon as you book your trip to ensure coverage for trip cancellations and other unforeseen events that might arise before your departure.

Reviewing and Renewing Your Policy

Before embarking on your journey, review your policy once more to ensure all the necessary coverage is in place. Familiarize yourself with the claims process and the contact information of your insurance provider.

What Travel Insurance Does Not Cover?

Now that you know what travel insurance “should cover,” here are a few things that travel insurance does not typically cover. Make sure you read the fine print and check with the insurance company before purchasing if you plan on getting a little crazy on your trip.

  • Generally, those accidents you incur while participating in extreme adventure activities (think skydiving, bungee jumping, hang-gliding, paragliding) unless you choose a company that offers Extreme Activities Travel Insurance or Adventure Travel plans.
  • Pre-existing conditions or general check-ups
  • Alcohol- and/or other drug-related incidents
  • Carelessness or negligence (such as if your bag gets stolen after you left it unattended)
  • Stolen cash
  • Civil unrest issues create unsafe conditions, but your government hasn’t called for an evacuation (unless you choose a higher coverage from a company like MedJet)
  • Changing or canceling your trip last-minute on your own accord (not sickness or accident-related)

Top Travel Insurance Pick

1. Safety Wing


I found that Safety Wing offers one of the best plans for long-term travel insurance.  If you are a bit of a digital nomad like me, it’s handy to be able to have a travel insurance plan that covers me in a majority of places/situations that will arise while traveling abroad.  It offers a budget travel plan that covers the big-ticket items that may happen, has a \$250 USD deductible, and offers a low monthly fee, and you can renew it while you are abroad if you need to.

Here’s a quick overview of Safety Wing:

  • Very affordable plans (with a deductible)
  • Can purchase and renew insurance while abroad
  • $250,000 USD in emergency medical coverage
  • Excellent customer service
  • Claims can be filed online
  • After being abroad for 90 days, you keep your medical coverage for 30 days in your home country: 15 days for US residents.
  • Best for digital nomads and those on a budget

Their standard coverage costs just $45.08 USD for 4 weeks of travel outside the United States for travelers between 10-39, with a $250 USD deductible), or $73.92 for ages 40-49. That’s one of the lowest prices out there for reliable travel insurance.  Please check with the calculator for your age group/specific travel dates or required deductibles.

2. World Nomads

World-Nomads-travel-insurance As one of the top-rated travel insurance companies out there, World Nomads is perfect for adventurous travelers. Their travel insurance plans offer coverage for everything from stolen goods to medical emergencies. And if you decide to take part in some adrenaline-pumping activities (like bungee jumping or skydiving), World Nomads has you covered for that, too. The cost? Around $100-200 for a one-week trip. But hey, if you know you’re going to be doing something wild and crazy, having a little extra piece of mind is worth it, don’t you think?  

3. Travelex Insurance Services

Travelex Insurance Services Travelex is ideal for solo female travelers who are concerned about losing personal belongings while traveling. Their plans include coverage for lost or stolen baggage, as well as trip cancellation and emergency medical care. Plus, they offer 24/7 assistance to help you out in case of an emergency. The cost? Around $100-200 for a one-week trip.

4. AIG Travel Insurance

AIG Travel Insurance AIG Travel Insurance is perfect for those needing extra coverage beyond the standard emergency medical care and trip cancellation. Their plans offer coverage for things like political evacuation, natural disaster coverage, and even rental car collision coverage. The cost? Around $100-300 for a one-week trip.

5. MedJet

MedJet MedJet is perfect for solo travelers, couples, or older individuals looking for a personalized option. Their plans offer coverage for trip cancellation, emergency medical care, and other travel-related risks. Plus, their customer service is excellent – they offer 24/7 assistance and have a reputation for being easy to work with. The cost? Short-Term memberships start at around $147 and annual memberships start at $474.  

 6. Your Credit Card

Your Credit Card Perfect for all travelers with a credit card that offers travel insurance.  Make sure you check all of your credit cards to find the best offer and book your trip with that credit card.  Many cards offer Travel Insurance if you book through them; Some are automatically applied, and some require additional purchases.  Make sure you read the fine print, book a round-trip ticket, and understand what is covered and that you meet all requirements before assuming your trip is covered.  Prices vary per trip.

Types of Travel Insurance Coverage

Now that you’ve evaluated your needs, let’s explore the various types of travel insurance coverage available:

Medical Insurance


Medical Expenses: We’re talking about covering the costs of necessary medical treatments, doctor visits, and even those dreaded hospital stays. Because who wants to drain their vacation fund on insane medical bills, am I right?

Emergency Medical Evacuation: Picture this: you’re having the time of your life exploring some remote corner of the world, and then BAM! You fall ill or get injured. Well, fear not, my adventurous friend. With emergency medical evacuation coverage, you can be whisked away to the nearest adequate medical facility or even back to your home country.

Repatriation: Okay, let’s not get too morbid here, but in the unfortunate event of your passing during your travels, this coverage will take care of the cost of returning your remains to your home country. It’s not something we like to think about, but hey, it’s better to be prepared than to leave your family scrambling to bring you home, right?


Vital for international travel where healthcare costs can be high. I mean, seriously, have you seen those international hospital bills?

Ensures you receive necessary medical care without incurring significant out-of-pocket expenses. Because getting sick or injured shouldn’t mean going broke. Let’s save our money for cocktails on the beach, not outrageous medical bills.

Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance


Trip Cancellation: Ah, the dreaded moment when life gets in the way and forces you to cancel your epic adventure. But fear not, my friend, trip cancellation insurance has your back. When covered reasons, like an illness or a family emergency, force you to cancel your trip before departure, this coverage swoops in to reimburse those non-refundable trip costs.

Trip Interruption: Picture this: You’re sipping your margarita on a tropical beach, living your best life, when suddenly disaster strikes. Maybe you get called back home for an unexpected reason or a hurricane decides to party in your vacation destination. Trip interruption insurance has you covered by reimbursing those additional expenses you incur when your trip is cut short for covered reasons.


Protects your financial investment in the trip, especially for pre-paid expenses. We all know that trips involve some serious financial commitment. Flights, accommodations, and all the fun activities you have planned can add up pretty damn quickly. Trip cancellation/interruption insurance ensures you don’t have to face the heart-wrenching loss of your hard-earned money if something unexpected derails your plans.

Offers peace of mind knowing you won’t suffer a financial loss if unforeseen events occur. Life is unpredictable, my friend. And as much as we like to think everything will go according to plan, it often doesn’t. With trip cancellation/interruption insurance, you can rest easy knowing that even if life throws a curveball, your bank account won’t be left in shambles.

Baggage and Personal Belongings Insurance


Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Items: We’ve all been there. You’re on your dream vacation, and suddenly your beloved laptop goes missing or your camera takes a tumble and ends up with a shattered lens. Well, with baggage and personal belongings insurance, you don’t have to cry over spilled electronics. This coverage comes to the rescue by reimbursing you for the value of your lost, stolen, or damaged items.


Safeguards against financial loss due to the loss or damage of personal items. Let’s face it, travel can be unpredictable. We can’t always control what happens to our belongings. But with baggage and personal belongings insurance, you can protect yourself from the financial blow of losing or damaging your valuable items.

Particularly valuable when traveling with expensive items like electronics or valuable belongings. You know those items that make your heart skip a beat when you think about losing them? Yeah, those are the ones you’ll want to ensure with baggage and personal belongings insurance.

Travel Delay Insurance


Additional Expenses: Picture this: you’re all set for your big adventure, bags packed, excitement at an all-time high, and then the airline decides to cancel your flight or severe weather ruins your travel plans. Well, travel delay insurance swoops in to save the day by reimbursing your necessary expenses, like accommodations and meals, when those pesky delays happen.

Trip Interruption: Life happens, my friend. Maybe you missed your connecting flight or needed to cut your trip short because of a covered delay. Well, trip interruption coverage has got your back. It kicks in to cover those additional expenses when your plans get derailed due to covered delays.


Mitigates unexpected costs arising from delayed travel plans. One thing we’ve learned from traveling is that delays happen. Flight cancellations, insane traffic, or even the occasional volcano eruption can mess with our plans. But with travel delay insurance, you don’t have to panic about unexpected costs. Your extra expenses can be reimbursed, and you can get back to focusing on the adventure ahead.

Useful for situations such as flight cancellations, severe weather, or other unexpected events. So maybe your flight got canceled due to a winter storm or you ended up stranded because of a volcanic eruption. These are the moments travel delay insurance shines the brightest. When the unexpected happens, you can handle it like a pro, knowing that you’re covered for those additional expenses.

Emergency Evacuation Insurance


Transportation Costs: We all know that sometimes shit hits the fan. And in those moments, the last thing you want to worry about is the outrageously high cost of emergency transportation. That’s where emergency evacuation insurance swoops in to save the day. It covers the expenses associated with getting you to the nearest appropriate medical facility or back to your home country, ensuring you receive proper medical care without breaking the bank.


Ensures access to proper medical care in the event of a severe illness or injury. Let’s face it, accidents and illnesses can happen anywhere, even on our epic adventures. But with emergency evacuation insurance, you can focus on getting better without worrying about how you’ll get to the right medical facility.

Protects against the high costs of emergency transportation, especially in remote locations. Picture this: You’re hiking through the dense forests of some remote destination, feeling like a badass explorer, when suddenly disaster strikes. You need to be airlifted to a hospital ASAP. Well, emergency evacuation insurance saves the day by covering those eye-wateringly expensive emergency transportation costs.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D)


Death Benefit: Okay, let’s not get too morbid here, but accidents can happen, and sometimes they can be fatal. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance has your back in those unfortunate situations by providing a benefit to your beneficiaries in the event of your accidental death. It’s like a financial safety net for your loved ones, reminding them that even in the face of tragedy, they won’t be left to face financial hardships.

Dismemberment Benefit: Now, I hope we never have to think about this, but let’s just say accidents can also result in the loss of a limb or eyesight. Not the most pleasant scenario, I know. But in the event of such a covered loss, AD&D insurance kicks into gear with a dismemberment benefit.


Offers financial support to your beneficiaries in the event of a fatal accident. Look, I know we don’t like to think about our own mortality, but let’s face it: life is unpredictable. We need to be prepared even for the worst-case scenario. And with AD&D insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of financially if the unthinkable happens.

Provides financial compensation for specific injuries resulting from accidents. Accidents, my friend, are a harsh reality of life. And sometimes they can result in life-changing injuries. AD&D insurance steps up to the plate, providing a financial safety net in the event of dismemberment.


To sum it up, recognizing the Importance of travel insurance involves thorough consideration of your unique needs and comprehensive research into various policies and providers. By understanding the importance of travel insurance and choosing the right coverage for your trip, you can travel with confidence and peace of mind. Travel insurance is an investment that travelers can’t afford to skimp on. While the cost may seem high, it’s nothing compared to the potential cost of an emergency medical situation or lost luggage. As for which plan to choose, it all depends on your individual needs and budget. Take a close look at each of these top 7 options and choose the plan that’s right for you. Happy travels, and always remember to Travel Till You Drop! (just make sure you have insurance when you do)

Book Your Trip : Check Out My Resources for Your Travel Needs


Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight.  This is my very first stop when I’m looking for my next trip. It’s a fast, easy-to-use search engine that is perfect for finding an affordable flight, a perfect hotel, and the right rental car for you in locations around the globe.

Book Your Accommodation

If you are looking for a super budget friendly location and are open to a hostel stay, make sure you book your hostel with Hostelworld. It offers the broadest range of quality hostels around the world. 

If you’d prefer a hotel or a guesthouse for stays less than 28 days, drop on over to It’s perfect for providing excellent options, a ton of user reviews, and prices to fit every budget.

For stays over 28 days, AirBnB still remains my #1 choice. User reviews and monthly pricing allow for some incredible deals all around the world.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is but a small up-front investment that you won’t want to leave home without. After just one experience of having to delay or cancel your trip or having your luggage stolen, you’ll wish you would have made that investment.  I’ve hated my life a few times when the moment arose, and I decided to skip out.  Let’s just say, I’ve changed my ways and recommend each of the following companies to protect your ass-ets.

My favorite companies are:         

Want to Travel for Free?

Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to getting free flights to get started.

Ready to Book Your Trip?

Check out my Resource Page for the best companies to help you book your travel at reduced rates!  This list will help you get to where you’re going.  I know-I use them ALL the time!  

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About Jill

Hi, Jill Here

Hi! I’m Jill, a Dallas, Texas girl traveling the world. After a career in the Air Force and touring over 50 countries later, my need to explore keeps going! It’s time to rock & roll and find all those places I never knew I was missing.

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I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.