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5 Best Destinations to Celebrate Halloween in Europe

Halloween in Europe

TOP 5 Halloween Spots in Europe

I’ve traveled the world a few times over, and it’s always hard to be out of the country on my favorite holiday of the year, Halloween in Europe!  While Scotland may have invented it, the US appears to corner the market on this one! Although the United States has been dominating as one destination that provides thrilling fanfare during Halloween celebrations, it does not mean that it is the only place that celebrates the holiday. so, today l’m going to introduce the best 5 destinations for Halloween in Europe.

Halloween in Europe

Europe is a turbulent land with a long and fascinating history, castles that are over centuries old, and petrifying legends that can also provide some of the best experiences during Halloween. Celebrate Halloween in Europe with the old and spooky along with extravagant modern-day fantasies with colorful mythologies to provide a slightly different experience than what we’re used to at home.

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This experience includes a wide range of thrilling events and parades, the narration of ghost stories, the Irish tradition of carving Jack-O-Lanterns (a term my dear Aussie friend had no idea what it was and may have made fun of me for suggesting it), costume parties, and the legendary trick-or-treating. 

digressed Halloween

May I add how awesome it is to trick-or-treat with my nieces when the neighborhood fully supports providing alcoholic treats for the adults at their stations!  For me, dressing up at the Grinch and providing the full performance, making children cry and run away all while gathering our treats was a highlight of my trip!  Yes, I may have digressed a wee bit off topic, but the memories are quite fond. 

Europe Halloween destinations

Back to the task at hand.  Ranked as the world’s second-largest celebration from a commercial perspective after Christmas.  Who knew, as most of the world doesn’t celebrate our beloved pagan holiday?  With that being said, I had to go on the hunt to find countries in Europe that do celebrate it. Below is a list of the best of Europe’s exquisite Halloween destinations:

01. Limoges, France.

Limoges is a gothic city in the medieval Limousine region, and Renoir’s birthplace is one of the best destinations in France to spend Halloween in Europe. Although Halloween is not considered customary merriment in France, the City of Limoges has embraced its celebrations since it hosted its first-ever Halloween celebrations in 1996.  During these periods, approximately 40,000 annual tourists cherish the City’s colorful Halloween experience with various events, including extravagant parties, costume parades, street shows, ghost story festivals, and themed fairs.

Halloween celebrations

02. London, England.

This intriguing British capital with its bloody history, mysterious dungeons, petrifying backstreets, medieval structure, and tales of Jack the Ripper (the world’s most fabled serial killer) put London in the books as one of the world’s most haunted Halloween destinations in Europe.  

Halloween celebrations in the city are affiliated with ghostly and mysterious attractions and other merriments and festivals all over the city.  From sinister tours and themed parades to flamboyant dinners and festivals, London is where you want to be on October 31st.

Halloween celebration

03. Transylvania, Romania

Transylvania is undoubtedly the most exquisite region in Romania and a destination you should consider for your Halloween vacation. Famous for its connection to the Dracula Legend and the Bran Castle, this region will also fascinate you with the frozen villages and citadel collections, where its modern world is merged and twisted with long-lasting culture and legends. These attributes make Halloween celebrations in Transylvania mystifying and a once-in-a-lifetime experience that is recurrent every year. 

Transylvania, Romania fascinate

04. Edinburgh, Scotland

The City of Edinburgh is one of the best and most unique destinations to spend your Halloween holiday. This city acknowledges that Halloween is not only a time for tricks or treats or a chance to put on a costume but also a preservation of the legendary Celtic festival of Samhain. The rich culture, massive castles, mystery tales, spooky vaults, and the Royal Mile make 31st October a blast in the city.

The City of Edinburgh

05. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ghost stories, haunted streets, contorted souls, creative-themed parties, and costume festivals put the city of Amsterdam among the top Halloween destinations in Europe. Whether it’s family entertainment in restaurants, ghost tours in the museum, or an intense extravagant party in the clubs and music concerts, there is undoubtedly something for everyone in Amsterdam during the Halloween festival.

haunted streets in Europe.


If you’re going to travel into Europe during the time of year this awesome holiday takes place, you will have a few locations to choose from.  So, if you’ve managed to leave the country during this time of year, but you don’t want to miss the fun, Halloween festivals, costumes, and the ghostly are still available in this region.  But no matter where you go during Halloween or throughout the other times of year, make sure you always Travel Till You Drop!


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Hi! I’m Jill, a Dallas, Texas girl traveling the world. After a career in the Air Force and touring over 50 countries later, my need to explore keeps going! It’s time to rock & roll and find all those places I never knew I was missing.

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