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How to Meet People on Solo Trips – And Make New Friends

How to Meet People on Solo Trips

Embarking on a solo trip is an incredible opportunity to discover new horizons and create meaningful connections with people from around the world. If you’re wondering how to meet fellow travelers or connect with locals during your solo adventures, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll share valuable tips and strategies to help you break the ice, foster new friendships, and create lasting memories.

From staying at social accommodations to joining group activities and utilizing online resources, you’ll learn how to navigate solo travel with confidence and openness. Get ready to embrace the joy of meeting new people and enrich your solo journey with unforgettable encounters along the way.

Tips on How to Meet People on Solo Trips

Solo travel might be intimidating, but it’s vital to understand that not everyone will be there to support you. We’ll cover everything from using Internet resources to meeting individuals in person in this post. You’ll be able to have a fantastic time no matter who you’re traveling with if you plan ahead and are flexible!

Use a Travel Company

The best way to make friends when traveling alone is to join a tour group. Traveling in a group is a terrific opportunity to meet others with similar interests and make the most of your time away from home. To learn more about the area and what to visit, local experts are often available through tour groups. Here are a few pointers to help you locate the ideal tour group:

  1. Start by doing some research on the internet: Searching online is the easiest way to discover a travel group. For example, there are websites that identify organizations based on certain hobbies, such as culture or gastronomy. Additionally, you may search for “single travel groups” or “multi-cultural vacations.” All of these can be searched using search engines such as
  2. Consult with people you know: If you don’t have the time to go online, see if you can find any groups that interest you by asking your friends, family, and coworkers. Most people are more than glad to tell others about their favorite bands.
  3. Another Step is to show up to a meeting: Consider visiting a meeting if you still can’t locate the right group for you. When you attend meetings, you may get to know the other members and see if you mesh well with the rest of the group’s goals.

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Take Meals Out to Places

Finding a dependable location to dine when traveling alone might be challenging. As a result, there are several restaurants that cater to lone travelers. Here are four things to keep in mind when searching for a restaurant:

  1. Set aside some time to try out a few different places before making a decision. This way, you’ll be able to discover which restaurants offer the finest cuisine, pricing, and environment.
  2. Preparation is key, so do your homework before you go. This will assist you in identifying eateries that are close to well-known tourist attractions.
  3. Ask the locals for advice. The greatest restaurants in a new city might be hard to find for those who travel alone, especially if they’ve never been there before. Find out if the people around you have dined at a particular restaurant and if they have any recommendations for excellent prices.
  4. Online review sites such as Yelp and Trip Advisor can be helpful. Restaurants in your neighborhood will be reviewed in great depth in these online resources. You may use this data to make an informed decision about where to eat.

Go to a hostel.

Solo travelers can meet new people by staying at hostels. Some of the most interesting solo travelers you’ll encounter are from all over the world. You may save money by taking advantage of the free meals provided by hostels, such as breakfast, lunch, and supper. 

Hostels are a go-to choice for many solo travelers. These budget-friendly lodgings are renowned for their communal spaces, such as shared dorms and common areas, where travelers naturally gravitate toward one another. It’s not uncommon to strike up conversations with fellow guests in the kitchen, lounge, or during hostel-organized events. Many hostels also host group outings, city tours, and game nights, creating a conducive atmosphere for socializing.

The Benefits of Social Accommodations

Instant Social Hub: Staying in accommodations with a social atmosphere gives you immediate access to a hub of fellow travelers and a platform for social interaction. Whether it’s sharing travel tips or making plans for the day, you’ll find opportunities for connection.

Diverse Mix of Travelers: These accommodations attract a diverse mix of travelers from various backgrounds, age groups, and nationalities. It’s an excellent way to broaden your horizons and gain a global perspective.

Organized Group Activities: Many social accommodations organize group activities, excursions, and events, which provide the perfect context for meeting people. These activities are not only fun but also offer a shared experience that can kick-start conversations.
Safety and Comfort: Knowing you’re in a social and communal environment can enhance your sense of safety and comfort, especially for first-time solo travelers.

Look for friendships in groups.

Consider the fact that you’ll have to make some adaptations while arranging a solo vacation. You may find it more challenging than you intended to meet people. To make things simpler, here are a few pointers.

To begin, make a list of the locations you’d like to see. For group travel, look for companions who share your interests in the locations you’d like to visit. Join online communities and forums that are relevant to your travel plans. Finally, take advantage of social media to find others who might be interested in accompanying you on your journey.

Attend seminars and workshops.

On a single journey, you might meet individuals in a variety of ways, both in person and online. Attending seminars and classes is a terrific opportunity to meet new people and learn about local activities. The following are a few ideas to get you started:

There are a lot of travel programs, like the Costa Rican Adventure Travel Workshop in Jaco, that cover everything from budgeting and what to pack to safety tips.

On, an online resource, there are several organizations and activities geared exclusively toward solitary travelers. You can join groups depending on your hobbies or region before you go on your vacation. In the United States, airports like AA’s Global Connections program offer social clubs and services for travelers in need of assistance. With the help of these services, you can make connections, learn about other cultures, and even get help getting around.

Having a class is an excellent way to meet other travelers.

Travel classes are a great opportunity to meet new people if you’re planning a solo trip. These courses are available at a wide range of institutions, including universities and community colleges. Travel essentials, such as meeting new people and making new friends, maybe learned through online classes and programs. After you’ve learned a few key ways to meet new people while traveling alone, it can be freeing.

Join Group Activities

Group activities provide a common ground for interaction. Sharing experiences with others creates a sense of camaraderie and can lead to the formation of new friendships. Whether it’s an adventure tour, a walking tour, or a group workshop, these activities attract people with similar interests. This increases the likelihood of connecting with individuals who share your passions and preferences.

Some group activities may include social mixers or group dinners. Take advantage of these additional opportunities to interact with participants in a more relaxed and social setting. In workshops or classes, be open to collaboration with others. Working together on a project or participating in group discussions can lead to meaningful connections.

Bring pictures from home

Before embarking on a solo vacation, the best way to meet new people is to connect with them online. Here are four tips to help you meet people when traveling solo:

  1. Join online discussion boards and blog networks. If you’re looking for a venue to meet others who share your interests, these are the spots for you.
  2. Make use of social networking. Post pictures from your trips and ask your followers for suggestions on where to go next.
  3. Attend expos and festivals to learn more about the industry. This is a terrific way to meet others who share your interest in the place you’re visiting, as well as locals who may offer insights about the region you’re exploring.
  4. Make friends with the locals. Speaking the local language is the easiest way to start a discussion with someone from another nation.

Stay Open-Minded

One of the most powerful tools in a solo traveler’s arsenal for meeting new people is a mindset of openness and approachability.
Overcoming Shyness
Traveling alone can sometimes lead to feelings of shyness or hesitation when approaching strangers. Being open-minded means pushing past those initial barriers and embracing the potential for new friendships.
Cultural Understanding
Open-mindedness is a key factor in understanding and appreciating different cultures. When you’re willing to engage with locals and fellow travelers, you gain valuable insights into the destination’s customs, traditions, and way of life.

Some of the best travel experiences happen when you’re open to spontaneity. Whether it’s accepting an invitation to join a group for dinner or embarking on an unplanned adventure, an open mindset allows you to seize the moment and create memorable connections.

Be a Good Listener

People appreciate good listeners. Show genuine interest in others’ stories and experiences. This can create a deeper connection. When you actively listen to someone, you convey that you value their thoughts and feelings. This builds trust and establishes a foundation for a deeper connection.

Demonstrates Respect

Listening attentively demonstrates respect for the other person’s perspective. It shows that you are genuinely interested in what they have to say, fostering a positive and respectful interaction. A good listener creates a safe and comfortable space for others to express themselves. This encourages open communication, allowing people to share their stories and experiences more freely.

Learn Basic Local Phrases

Even if you’re not fluent in the local language, learning a few basic phrases can go a long way in breaking the ice and showing respect for the local culture. Knowing basic phrases such as greetings, thank you, and common expressions enables you to communicate with locals, enhancing your overall travel experience.

Locals often appreciate when visitors make an effort to learn and use their language. It demonstrates respect for their culture and a genuine interest in connecting with the community. Initiating a conversation in the local language, even with just a few words, can break the ice and create a positive first impression. It shows that you are making an effort to engage with the local environment.

Navigational Assistance

Knowing basic directions, numbers, and common phrases related to transportation can be immensely helpful when navigating through the area. This can reduce the chances of getting lost and make your travels more efficient.

Utilize Language Learning Apps

Use language learning apps before your trip to familiarize yourself with basic phrases. Apps like Duolingo, Memrise, or Babbel can provide a foundation for essential language skills.


Invest in a deck of cards

Traveling solo might make it difficult to make new friends. However, single travelers need not be concerned since there are other ways to meet new people! Packing a deck of cards to play a game with your fellow travelers is a nice idea, too. Participating in social groups or on scheduled tours is also an option. It’s also possible to go hiking, sight-seeing, or discovering new districts on a solitary trip if you

Don’t want to play cards or go clubbing. So, whatever your hobbies are, you’re likely to find something to get you out and meet new people.  But no matter where you go, always remember to Travel Till You Drop! 

deck of cards Traveling solo meet new people! Enjoy with new people

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Hi, Jill Here

Hi! I’m Jill, a Dallas, Texas girl traveling the world. After a career in the Air Force and touring over 50 countries later, my need to explore keeps going! It’s time to rock & roll and find all those places I never knew I was missing.

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